米洛映象|融华 · 五岭庆园C户型样板间:心入山林,浸染古韵如诗的静谧

米洛映象|融华 · 五岭庆园C户型样板间:心入山林,浸染古韵如诗的静谧
1 f: |" ]+ q; D( Y0 L- D! b6 `
A truly insightful culture
There must be the thickness of the earth, the lightness of paper
And the fragrance of wood
Not the cold of metal, glass and plastic

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01 山形依旧枕寒流
Yamagata is still under a cold current
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9 k, A6 _# K$ P0 Q
The living room takes white as the background, with the dark red to dye the space, will classical elegance dense in the space. Carpet lines such as mountain hills.
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Background wall with grain light marble spread, such as ink halo open. The adornment of the main lamp and brunet frame, square frame line, have Oriental clear charm.
: C+ h2 ]( e7 Q% [1 J0 {
Red embroidery brocaded silk pillow, jade chi tiger new seal, each red, is the ancient heritage of the text.
02 绝景良时难再并
Good times are difficult to combine
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: q0 ?  o. a/ x; E, b) R

8 n$ c* p, a/ S( X- S
) [! e3 O, }4 s  g4 r& M& Y
The dining room is the perfect embodiment of Oriental symmetry aesthetics. The big and simple round table is the highlight of the cultural connotation of family happiness.
The adornment picture of dining-room setting wall has ancient rhyme. The evolution of Chinese characters, inlaid in the red wooden square.
03 汲来江水烹新茗
Fresh tea brewed with water from the River
9 d- ]: g1 T7 T$ G* j
A small teahouse, bamboo, rain, pine, wind and music, warm cup hot cup, back to Ganpin Lan Xiang. The elegance of literati and guests is inseparable from tea.
04 紫阁丹楼纷照耀
The purple pavilions and red mansions shone
( D, |! B/ m  h( F4 f$ ]* ~

4 A: {" v% G3 e
Advocate lie uses halcyon and concise straight line, gift level feeling. Local ceiling, black frame and the main lamp, increase the space decoration and fashion sense. The red, before the table, pillow, bedside, everywhere can be seen.

. y* W3 Y( I- c' m4 L9 v6 ?, @
Decorative painting, magnificent palaces, smoky clouds, the Oriental unique charm and grandeur, should be so.
05 芙蓉一朵霜秋色
A hibiscus stained with autumn frost
# H! |6 c3 ^7 \* d& S( z. Q; N- u1 G
4 i2 X( ^( Z- v( F  E

/ u9 f5 j  \; o; u6 ]  K
Daughter room with pink, with accessories to eliminate the sense of time and space, elegant and quiet. Wooden square weaving board and plush thread ball. Wooden Pipa. The main lamp is like a gauze, tenderly and gently.
06 只消闲处遇平生
In leisure time can reflect on life

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  z7 o1 u, `0 Y! T
Leisure area with red and blue, to create a bright and lively space. Rock climbing, small couch, exercise bike, the light is clear, cultivate one's morality and nourish one's body.
07 锦衾香尽炉无烟
The scent is gone and the smoke has burned out
" i/ v) U, g6 A  Y8 I' ^4 L( P
The study is with dark brown, apply colours to a drawing deep and composed space tone. A lamp before the desk, a pen, a scroll, blow out the reading lamp, a month.
08 玉盘珍羞直万钱
Jade plate treasure straight million money
# }( P( Q4 r1 l" {9 \
The kitchen is spliced white with gray to create a deep and composed atmosphere. A food box, two cup seasonings, a night scene painting of the Forbidden City, several wooden spades, and a basket made up.
项目名称融华 · 五岭庆园C户型
Project Name | Wuling Qingyuan C house type
Project Type | Prototype Room
Soft Decoration Design  | Millo Casa
Project Site | Hunan Chenzhou
Project Area | 143
Completion Time | 2021.03
. `% V) L' v/ B$ i


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米洛映象|融华 · 五岭庆园C户型样板间:心入山林,浸染古韵如诗的静谧
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