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《小荣大胜》港式餐厅  丨  无非设计
项目面积:160.0 平方米

! t. }2 d6 b( v! S

3 I3 v' V0 N( o  P- F3 l* T
We indulge in the complex and fast-paced urban life, often eager to say goodbye to the hustle and bustle of ordinary life, choose a pure land to be alone, prosperous when leaving, quiet when entering, enjoy the quality of life and comfortable life quietly. Hong Kong is an international metropolis that reveals a low-key and luxurious atmosphere under the appearance of modern fashion. Hong Kong style is light and luxurious, which glows with vigor between thick ink and luster. People walk in the Hong Kong-style space, feeling light and leisurely. In the variation of luxury and light, space is not only liberated from the heavy luxury texture, but also accompanied by the display of fashion and beauty.
# t; }9 u* A/ ~  {4 u7 V0 i2 Q

3 |6 t% ~) Z$ ]0 {! J6 b

3 {: A. X+ \3 S0 A* Z4 R5 A
《小荣大胜》港食餐厅是由珠海荣胜两兄弟创办的一家轻港食餐饮连锁品牌,项目位于珠海香洲区 CBD 中安广场一层。三进式布局的创新设计形式,通过就餐区材质与层高的转换,三个立体盒子的空间形态呼之欲出,三种不同节奏的感知空间层层递进。
"Xiaorong Dasheng" Hong Kong Restaurant is a light port catering chain brand founded by two brothers of Zhuhai Rongsheng. The project is located on the first floor of CBD Zhongan Square in Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai. Three-way layout of innovative design forms, through the conversion of dining area material and layer height, three three three-dimensional box space shape is ready to come out, three different rhythms of the perception of space layer by layer.

9 l% `5 n* O+ D' _# f% [( W

) @2 t! C: U: j$ A) ?, w

- J- s9 Q3 _1 J; K- q5 C
. ~, W4 ?8 W) Z3 X! k
Door facade, concise without losing details, clear and succinct structure outline. The wooden three-dimensional box is embedded in the whole space, like a beautiful coastal window, from which customers enter a pleasant dining space and enjoy the delicious pleasure in the comfortable space.
% b- G3 f6 B- c4 W  n) t

1 c4 m8 M4 Z, K8 V9 }: X. {, {9 u& c) x: H

4 d3 J/ H4 D: A) V- v3 o) U! b7 l; d7 |( |% T4 w0 L0 y

; p' j8 B: w& z7 L/ W
. m& G/ n$ m  h2 W: I8 o
" u9 B$ U! L2 I: e6 z/ `! c1 T+ @1 ~

0 W, D; ^2 E6 `. G1 P
Do not break without standing, disassemble and reconstruct. In the entrance lobby, "Xiaorong Dasheng" brand four-character brushwork splitting, high and low hanging on the cement-colored bare ceiling, showing different forms from different angles. It emphasizes the modern young people's independent and innovative thinking. Just like the delicious Hong Kong style, it is compatible with all kinds of taste buds, so that you can feel the graceful dancing gestures of all kinds of taste buds on your tongue.
7 S& Q/ J+ b1 M7 I

6 [" ]$ x# r2 U. E

1 n8 k3 B, w2 h) c9 ?, E

7 m+ J* y) u! Y9 l8 P
: j1 l7 p% t: o8 j  F3 @
# ^4 o! u! _& P! P  p% m

: C  z4 z+ d- h6 ?

9 f1 c; y8 \) R, P8 ]
In the middle hall, there are still enclosed wooden three-dimensional boxes. The smallpox height is specially depressed, the natural connection between the front and back space, the three-dimensional space seems to be squeezed here, full of ritual sense arises spontaneously. The design of the whole wood structure brings the inner experience of returning to nature. The left side is set off by hand-painted figures, and the right side is focused by modern bookcases. The centripetal force of space vision is sharply enhanced. The fresh and fresh Hong Kong-style literature and art are coming.

9 p, U! l1 I, ~) J& \) z

2 b5 f& H* `$ G' p& P

6 W: K$ n6 O7 b3 m% F
4 }4 K9 y$ A; ]# }
) r$ ^3 m: b. t$ L) o! f
2 b' ^" j; z* h$ c6 Q( _
; M, h' z- v9 H7 x. D
% E& d: a  U4 B$ N4 ?  b

0 ], y( I& V' b4 S4 x7 B' L. G

8 l0 g2 k0 _8 ~4 z7 K/ j; I$ A* q. ?/ X# }3 q' c' z' x

( o0 k, \1 B; Z, |% T& n5 Z
1 A5 x# U3 @& _  s- w
The three-stage progressive geometric interface design seems to be the extrusion of physical space on the surface, but it is not a physical portrayal of human inner passage into the noisy city. The noise of the outside world (lobby) makes us turn around and walk into the inner world of distorted space (lobby) one after another in an attempt to return to the natural life we yearn for. There is often a small universe in the deepest part of our soul (lobby). It is free, peaceful and unique.

- d( P% D$ @1 s
; Z" K8 W3 q' Q' d# a+ Y9 f

: V' I0 g/ Y+ Z# J
; s4 u* m% F7 A8 R! j$ B; A

* K( ?4 v5 K5 f, J# m
The three-stage progressive geometric interface design seems to be the extrusion of physical space on the surface, but it is not a physical portrayal of human inner passage into the noisy city. The noise of the outside world (lobby) makes us turn around and walk into the inner world of distorted space (lobby) one after another in an attempt to return to the natural life we yearn for. There is often a small universe in the deepest part of our soul (lobby). It is free, peaceful and unique.
& w+ h" E" p2 U/ l
The interior hall, long high table and wall clip seat, ingeniously change the walking line and dining style, the sense of space rhythm and comfort can be enhanced inadvertently. The six-seat water bar is located in the inner hall. While enjoying the delicious food, customers can experience the scene of the delicious food production similar to "Twelve Tastes of Sharp Taste". More space is left in the front hall. The wide environment allows you to feel the warmth of the sunset in the evening when you are here for a busy day.

( v+ ^' H" s: ^2 f* W9 \

6 D# @: O8 L% i* d$ H: J, p
# {% H8 p# f8 Q( r; z: z2 U! E# f9 x0 p) C7 W5 u
% r, W  ?* T2 `+ b- q+ ?" h
* j" u" o) F4 ^9 g

" T# u" {6 E) Q) j5 g$ P

$ \- y0 g; L: i+ @" e; c

  _2 a3 F# {7 e. s4 P4 X
+ y/ M- M# w: \
3 j' B. ^. L" X8 `& z. l) \# {3 w
Founded in 2017, the designer team has graduated from the famous eight National Academy of Fine Arts in China. W focuses on high-end commercial space design and interior soft furnishings. Based on this The re creation of soil design integrates modern creative thinking with oriental culture. Expressing commercial space with unique aesthetic vision and transversive subversion thinking. Uniqueness helps more brands gain a new space experience. Its work has already been made It has won famous awards both at home and abroad and has become one of the top design institutes in China.

8 ^( c1 U; c9 E' C5 f7 n. `! ]

& Z/ x# j1 W% M3 g6 Q  R2 L6 c/ x
8 e: J$ D) l6 u% o1 }6 o

; M0 C' W1 u; L; x$ x8 K% e/ y* d0 ~" Z/ U( ~' q
- q0 k7 N  z' u) T0 ~# T

& ^& X: H1 I, |" Z# q+ c
' x3 a3 b" p  R. C) S
8 d! I1 Z1 v5 Y3 n" o2 [- o. N

- F) e3 |+ {1 k4 D0 i# g+ n' Z, J* H! a1 V! l! V4 @3 ?
4 z, Z8 p3 \. |, r
- W/ z# C! j3 F3 L, ?+ W+ j


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