
本帖最后由 1419101510 于 2019-5-6 10:53 编辑 0 s4 C4 [; A. K. W5 R

0 A& X7 k/ Q4 l5 h. F' H: X项目名称:鸿盛集团办公室设计 项目地址:中国深圳: o1 `5 u# M% s, T- j
鸿盛集团% O% b" X  x2 z9 V4 [
室内设计及软装设计:东莞市善达装饰设计工程有限公司& H. A- Q& o$ h; Y' \" z( n, a
" e+ \& O& f1 J3 `设计团队:陈伟文、莫志东、杨彪、王远峰、
4 _7 @) V  C1 j
主要材料 | 保加利灰大理石、汉白玉大理石、巴黎灰大理石、蓝金沙大理石、进口人造石、鱼肚白大理石、木饰面、艺术玻璃、水晶砖、实心不锈钢机割、进口皮料等& R: V- [7 T7 m, d9 a, C7 B
) i  k/ G$ u1 \/ N完工时间:2017.12
# t& p. A& D; s! x3 ~( c# r' P! |1 F5 O6 ]+ A) o# ?
Project Name: Office Design of Hongsheng Group( v8 M5 p7 T( a' @' d
Project Address: Shenzhen, China. L( [! t3 r+ r% y+ `8 Q
Customer Name: Hongsheng Group5 E6 w0 U; C& O  ^6 @. C
Interior Design and Software Design: Dongguan Shanda Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
  y" |. W) l; ]+ e% V# m' {- w4 LDesign Director: Wang Senfu
' c# j2 O$ W& D5 K1 _Design team: Chen Weiwen, Mo Zhidong, Yang Biao, Wang Yuanfeng,
6 G' L3 w0 l5 k" F& yMain Materials | Bulgarian Lime Marble, Han Baiyu Marble, Paris Lime Marble, Blue Sand Marble, Imported Artificial Stone, Fishbelly White Marble, Wood Decoration, Art Glass, Crystal Brick, Solid Stainless Steel Machine Cutting, Imported Leather, etc.! M/ H; h9 ^! t) R
Design area: 6500
8 c/ ^. f# C+ L8 |3 PCompletion time: 2017.12
- f% \/ }( c/ m9 F( F
: F; y4 W9 X" V- b/ X鸿盛集团是一个诞生于、成长于深圳本土的知名地产品牌,设计必须尊崇于鸿盛品牌属性、考量其地域特性等因素。品牌本身在设计之初就提出作为总部办公空间不希望设计过于炫酷、过于飘浮,希望营造一个厚重而稳健、大气而庄重、具有品质感的地产总部。
% b0 Y' p+ I& u9 y; x; j+ z/ H/ C
: r* }$ H0 Q0 i: Z" J6 I
Hongsheng Group is a famous brand which was born and grew up in Shenzhen. The design must respect Hongsheng brand attributes, consider its regional characteristics and other factors. At the beginning of the design, the brand itself put forward that as the headquarters office space, it does not want to design too cool and too floating, hoping to create a heavy and steady, atmosphere and solemn, with a sense of quality of the real estate headquarters.
/ R8 d1 z6 T0 S7 J1 r* H
& N1 R' R, O( N$ @8 ]鸿盛办公室室内实景图
: s1 q, X8 r: LInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office  B1 {4 n, |3 e& \/ {) p
) G. K8 @0 {- b2 k* ?
9 Q5 B1 Y" q  T+ x& I* D! oInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office- u3 @' O9 T( h0 s! T( P: Z7 a( {4 `
: j' s2 f* |* X
6 q' Q" Y2 Y, W3 tInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office
# M5 D' H9 v; n$ G& H6 }9 U+ [* z$ `6 M2 f
6 P7 U- W- q7 l4 F2 r0 BInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office
& b, n; A( c' v& X! u. r$ ?3 d5 d& ]* E! q( _
鸿盛办公室室内实景图/ q* o1 s. X/ r* S  M% E' G/ Y
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office4 A' i& P3 \& f" d4 l- a8 p: C

7 H; @9 s% i  c4 E: \鸿盛办公室室内实景图
& I$ U+ }( `/ ^Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office* j) t! e% \( M) K* ]: }2 q( E

' G: w+ S2 b& F+ z鸿盛办公室室内实景图  B4 @& C9 T- m) _
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office
; T5 f7 H2 i$ l0 E
2 ?% j/ N: ]/ N& k鸿盛办公室室内实景图- A+ ?# K& s1 s- b1 l
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office
! l  h- W8 m$ }
8 _3 [# @, V* L. W+ x2 P8 Z鸿盛办公室室内实景图
5 D3 m# o) w* r  a( b% lInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office
2 e/ ~8 O  t. f0 H% m( W6 O% j
6 \) J# Z  [6 p9 }3 R* @) ?7 I鸿盛办公室室内实景图
' p- |8 B1 @' F& ]2 Q, JInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office
2 r6 u" l! ?  }) S
- d& R. i& {3 L2 @5 m" i- n鸿盛办公室室内实景图
/ f0 J) T8 C3 k8 b* z% l+ sInterior Scene of Hongsheng Office
( {# [1 W9 U; x, Z# z3 B; t
" r! R( t$ n. F/ f* K鸿盛办公室室内实景图3 s$ U3 o, e3 J$ I
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office8 C$ o, ~  `$ d  F* K8 V) J) w' Q

* r/ s" ^  f# G鸿盛办公室室内实景图+ j& L6 |  ?1 n
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office
, p0 R8 ]; w- b+ _" p; M
" ?. I. W- z5 Q8 A4 {; K. _3 y鸿盛办公室室内实景图. D, a6 k4 f/ Y) [( d1 ]5 K7 k+ h. x
Interior Scene of Hongsheng Office
. Z3 ?( L  Z$ @) `
9 C* t2 f0 {: Q/ u* V鸿盛办公室平面图
% X* w9 H' ~7 z# @8 r' u! rHongsheng office plan9 _/ j( Y& J8 {
* t  z/ b  h9 U! F+ j  B
3 d* T1 e6 K6 {, S# f2 a* V. DHongsheng office plan; o1 |( q. k; L& [  v1 X$ J

+ R4 P& R0 y. o9 F6 S) b' W' A鸿盛办公室平面图5 j9 ^; @2 k8 P: [$ p8 C; o
Hongsheng office plan% j: G! y  Y4 J
& O: ^/ @& u- E: l
" |" I& e+ {9 R# r" {$ d
设计公司:东莞市善达装饰设计工程有限公司6 ^* {9 |, r. H) P
联系电话:0769-23183599+ q  Q4 V; S/ l4 H( @( A
6 }/ N. d% j& u4 Z/ b
/ H" G$ T  U$ `* ]Design Company: Dongguan Shanda Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.' p' o7 d% h8 T; k/ Y; w( H
Contact number: 0769-23183599* D2 V* t$ G) f8 U9 O( F3 @
Contact mailbox:
- f1 v: s$ R1 n+ T/ {4 ]4 p, Y. d$ R
: R. w$ V  a' o' E, J2 |5 a' b7 t* U: i& o; I3 v

/ C4 v7 E; F9 z% Z9 ?* B& b+ W; V
- O0 W" |4 J6 H
& d2 H- M* T9 T: `2 F: n
6 K6 u+ O8 I+ S, m: p+ |
9 T/ ?9 S/ g* T' b+ t. [6 V) ]6 p  V: `8 i5 `

6 V: Z9 n* x$ }; A
& ?$ V3 w. v2 y


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