壹阁设计 x 佳溪口腔

2019-6-14/ 商业空间/ 其它/ 只看大图 阅读模式


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壹阁设计 (1).jpg

「JIAXI DENTAL」牙科诊所?既是,亦非。走进一间牙科诊所,普通人的体验是什么?刺眼的白、冰冷的金属、密闭的空间、工作人员形色匆忙面无表情。当你躺在座椅上时,思考的是如何能快速结束。
JIAXI DENTAL office? Yes and no. What is the average person's experience of walking into a dental clinic? Dazzling white, icy metal, airtight space, worker form color is hurried face expressionless. When you're lying in your chair, think about how you can end quickly.

JIAXI DENTAL is reserved for young families and resembles a parent-child cafe when you step into a clinic. Here, the visiting area is connected with and separated from children's "play", providing "care" service for young parents who take their children to see the doctor to some extent. 彩111.jpg
Our team has always stressed that design and creation is not only to present requirements in a more artistic way, but also to fully integrate the concept of the demand side, so as to simulate and restore users' experience in the space before the project landing. With this foundation, the value of the design can be added to the project and bring more than expected returns.
JIAXI DENTAL's children's "amusement park" is inspired by ice age cave life, which wraps itself in domes that have no boundaries. Children in the play, and the side of the communication area to form a natural transition. Spatial isolation while not completely separated, parents can look up when communicating with the doctor to see the child.
壹阁设计 (2)-p掉顶部东西统一其他图片色调,灯比例放大,位置居中.jpg
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壹阁设计 (4)-补齐灯带位置,底部施工细节修掉.jpg
The entrance to the clinic is a table, avoiding the tightness of opening the door to the counter. The big table in front provides visitors with rest and interaction. Allow children to have a buffer when entering a strange environment, so that they are not so nervous and tight.

壹阁设计 (5)-统一色调,顶面出风口修掉。柜子底部黑色变白色统一,地面勾缝修掉,门缝修齐.jpg
壹阁设计 (6)-底部同图5.jpg
Traditional medical clinics usually choose to use straight lines, metal frames, terrazzo and other materials and seal independent space combinations to build a "professional" sense of space volume. In our opinion, such a space is too cold, no temperature.
Therefore, in the space design, we remove the metal line, cold white light source, close to nature with a lot of radian soothing line elements to create different levels of visual effects. Warm white wall paint and warm color light source are added to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
由于JIAXI DENTAL是牙科诊所,因此我们在空间结构上运用了大量建筑设计元素。圆弧、穹顶穿插在整体空间架构钟,再结合空间布局组合利用空间的转换、透视、叠加引导,让这仅有213㎡的空间营造出视觉延伸感。
JIAXI DENTAL is a DENTAL clinic, so we used a lot of architectural design elements in the spatial structure. Arcs and domes are interspersed in the overall space structure clock, and then combined with the space layout combination using the transformation of space, perspective, overlay guidance, so that only 213 square meters of space to create a sense of visual extension.
The left area is the office and natural light passage.
If the technology allows, the metal frame is almost abandoned, and only a few metal frames are used to fix the glass door.
The original structure of the corridor of the office area is too long and narrow, so we use neutral wood materials that echo the clinic front desk. The wooden elements extend all the way to the end of the corridor, trying to simulate the comfortable and relaxing outdoor leisure state, weakening the panic and loneliness feeling in the face of unknown narrow and long space.
JIAXI DENTAL的诊疗间透明敞亮,在密闭的同时保持一定开阔性,既安全却又能清楚看到外面空间。偏家居氛围的设计,颠覆了传统医疗诊所给人安全密封却又让人窒息的刻板印象。
JIAXI DENTAL's rooms are transparent and open, closed and open, safe and with a clear view of the outside world. The design of partial household atmosphere subverts the stereotype that traditional medical clinic gives people security seal but suffocates people.

标签: 壹阁设计


  • qinz1726 2019-7-7 17:18:27


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