
2019-11-27/ 图像资料下载/ 待处理/ 只看大图 阅读模式
本帖最后由 北京同济冰珀 于 2019-11-27 12:29 编辑
  L: E6 I. K/ h9 [# |3 h# R+ J9 _7 Z) @+ N2 W
& M1 V% d  s0 G/ N
How about daizongfu? Qilu is green. This is the poet Du Fu's admiration for Mount Tai. This project is on Mount Tai. It is the 70th national day of the motherland. We watched the live parade. When President Xi's car slowly drove out from Tiananmen Gate, the circular arch slowly rose like the rising sun. Inspired the design. Therefore, in front of the hotel, it presents the sunrise and cloud sea of Mount Tai, reflecting the water, sparkling and rippling, forming a trend of environmental protection, giving people a feeling of being on the top of Mount Tai.
/ E  R! b/ t  Z/ I& A
3 E8 D2 n6 p: @

$ e9 a, L4 }- \1 Y( S
Since ancient times, the Chinese people have worshipped Mount Tai. There is a saying that Mount Tai is safe all over the world. In the traditional Chinese culture, Mount Tai has always been known as "the Five Sacred Mountains".
8 B0 J" q9 ^0 O* c* N4 O
2 l/ b% P2 R% k. z3 ^
"Swing your chest to generate clouds, and break your canthus to return to birds". When you are in the courtyard and in the distant mountains, the clouds come out one after another, and your eyes and heart are rippling. The great rivers and mountains of our country make you reluctant to leave until dusk comes5 g# X2 y* }, \4 m9 C* ^, M
This towering mountain peak, recited by generations of literati, has been holding on to its magnificence for thousands of years, just like our building nestled in the embrace of Mount Tai, every inch of detail implies the ingenuity of designers.% o  W$ U: R% m0 _* u
( ~4 @( K8 P1 Z  i
/ y' L2 K: G9 o* Z8 M0 |
The round arch at the entrance is the rising sun in the morning light. The whole red cylinder seems to be stained with the sunrise light of Mount Tai.
6 D! Z. b  h) z! e
) ^. h3 d0 |3 u& V* v: \6 _5 [* ?

8 z' }; P2 L3 Z7 ^, E4 ~% B( G
"Thousands of peaks gather together, thousands of ravines are absolutely Ling Li". Mount Tai is the place where emperors and generals worship, where all people worship, where the inscriptions of celebrities are carved. The design continues Mount Tai's unique magnificence. We gather here to pursue the magnificence of the valley.

; s3 [8 n# u# R$ V7 n2 h
“长松入霄汉,山花异人间”,挺拔的松树、质朴的原木、形状各异的山石,这里的每一座山峰、每一块青砖都静静地诉说着泰山的传奇,只有亲临其境才能领略到它带来的震撼。& G0 U, `! f! h& A0 ]8 F# v, O( o# }
"Long pine into the Xiaohan, the mountain flowers are different from the world", tall pine trees, simple logs, rocks of different shapes, every mountain peak and every green brick here quietly tells the legend of Mount Tai, and only when you are in person can you appreciate the shock it brings.

6 z  J4 t) z2 g# N3 J  h  B. _1 [( F8 Y4 g
1 W: b. X, {: R" D% a, l
5 @/ k. ^6 z: E! A3 \4 X; H
"The gate of heaven pours down the silver river, and the sun turns over and hangs over the blue sea". In this mountain where the spirit exceeds the altitude, you can feel the golden light, the sunrise of all the peaks, the rolling of the sea of clouds between the heaven and the earth, and the baptism of the soul again and again.

7 G# G! o# h! i/ V0 P, y  S  c) D; h3 c: f1 ~" d0 ?3 k( [4 D- ]
在浩瀚的诗文中,要做那泰山顶上一峰石,风云会当凌绝顶。# K6 I& b* w0 _3 A( f
In the sonorous lyrics, we should learn from a pine on the top of the mountain of Natai, the copper branch and the iron trunk.
In the vast poetry, to be a stone on the top of the mountain, the wind and cloud will be the top of Ling.
5 i7 I5 E  `- p; p! q1 Y

% i' Y$ A( e) o8 z" ^6 h7 c6 @3 l% L, m: Y% S4 F. a
* r1 u& s, C9 U2 [* ~. l9 p
"The color of the sea moves far away from the mountains, and the rooster crows first." at dawn, the morning star disappears, and the morning light is slightly exposed. A glimmer of morning light shines through the clouds to illuminate the East. At sunset, the remnant clouds float in the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun is like a golden light passing through the clouds all over the world.

: L, l) l; h# N7 z+ K1 T( @. v& Q

5 v3 H( Z/ d1 \8 W0 r
: E7 }  [2 p9 k# i0 J
/ o, A1 ]2 E! A: [

! g) `8 m* d% i, i' F

; O0 z8 G, U# m4 L
, |1 A) D, ]! ^- w8 e) |
When night falls, on the top of Mount Tai, about three or five friends sit on a futon, pour good wine to enjoy the bright moon, taste the high mountains and flowing water, listen to the birds singing and frogs chirping and crickets outside the window, think of eighteen sets of sky ladders, the sky street of the South Tianmen, and the skyscraper of the Jade Emperor.
% m5 \9 z1 q. y* _
! i$ c( D: B2 f- W4 W+ m! ]
) s, w5 L  ~9 L
' b+ s# [  `) ?$ ]) s

% ]3 f; l% `) Z9 |/ V$ N* W  ^" r
) c! ?& V+ }/ y

. `3 W6 I( E+ c; W
3 w2 p* ^; w5 w# T) r# v$ B( W: s# p
+ Q& M- h2 A. y$ q+ [
: V+ w6 z- @/ k6 X
7 l, h7 l  U9 E& P  R0 h: f/ J

. l( Q5 P) ~( D# i7 q: ]
8 |- ?( Y" T# a8 v+ ]0 f8 E# c


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