九度设计 | 重庆融创·云翠售楼处 妙趣天成 境藏万物

2021-12-21/ 商业空间/ 售楼处/ 只看大图 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 成都九度设计 于 2021-12-21 14:10 编辑



The world is never short of amazing buildings. Buildings that go nicely with nature can make people feel the magic of wit and artistic conception.


Chongqing, a city on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, known as the City of Mountains and the City of Fog, depicts the landscape with art and interprets the future city’s depth and simplicity in the dark green mountains and hazy mist.

Based on the environment, we integrate the concept of "scenic city", a future urban concept proposed by Mr. Qian Xuesen from the traditional Chinese conception of nature and the philosophy of unity between nature and man, into the space, to form an artistic conception, in which boundless nature, imagination, creation, and crossover are all in one thought, and create an immersive art gallery to feel mountains and waters without seeing them.



In his book on architecture Scenic City, Ma Yansong said: "if the classical city is about god and the modern city is about capital and power, the future city should be about man and nature."

From the distance between ancient and modern, to the fusion of cultures, to the inheritance of crafts, every crossover is like invisible water permeates everything. Starting with the concept and element of water, following the invisible water, we extract water-related eco-chains to form a multi-dimensional expression integrating display, business, experience, and art.

The future city is poetic and humanistic. Mountains, waters, and woods outline the prelude to seclusion. The incorporation of raw stone plucks the musical strings for returning to nature. All the bustle and hustle of the city disappears in the courtyard. There are mountains, waters, woods, and the moon.


The reception hall uses a simple structural language to highlight the spirit and texture of the space through the integration of nature and space, and interprets the low-key artistic atmosphere to complete the dialogue between modern aesthetics and pure nature.



Surrounded by oilcloth curtains and colorful halberds, the jade carrier of the tri-pot fit in the spring scenery.
You are No. 1 for military feats, outdoing all your predecessors.
After a ride with a beauty into the green woods for some time of pleasure,
You stay in the east pavilion as a guest, and hear music in the wind.
Yuncui Mansion got its name because it’s surrounded by marvelous nature.

In the space, light and shade are well-arranged. On the wall, commonly used pictures are replaced by a creative luminous logo, which outlines the scenic city’s charm and the beauty of classic heritage, giving the space a strong cultural atmosphere.


Any building is initially utilitarian. Its aesthetic significance is additional. Over time, however, it has developed a third meaning beyond practicality and aesthetics, and that is to become the spiritual symbol of a city.


In Chongqing, rivers zigzag over the green hills. We integrate the natural landscape with the aesthetic interest of time and space into the indoor space. Modern design and cliff pine form a symmetrical and compatible artistic environment, depicting the seclusion and freedom in our heart.


From the waters, in the mountains, we create a feeling that the mountain is not a real one but better than a real one by using landscape, fog, and other elements, to echo the design theme of "an immersive art gallery to feel mountains and waters without seeing them" and create a future urban space.


Coupled with marble, emerald, and other design elements, water droplets like elves in the space, gradually evolve into a novel chandelier. The flowing visual effect of marble and emerald collides with the uncut stone, fully showing a clean and pure texture in the dream-like atmosphere, conveying the elegant quality of modest gentlemen, as gentle as jade.


A New Account of the Tales of the World by Liu Yiqing from Song, one of the Southern Dynasties: “A thousand rocks compete for beauty, and ten thousand ravines compete to flow. Covered with greenery, it’s like rising rosy clouds.” We start from nature and create an immersive experience space integrating modern art atmosphere and Oriental elegance through contemporary art expression.


The gorgeous colors of clouds are introduced into the space, like rolling mountains, or ethereal clouds. The interactions between "virtual and real", "visible and hidden" form the visual tension of Oriental culture.


All kinds of views are arranged orderly, like poetry and painting. The wavy artistic chandelier gradually expands the visual space. But in nature, it’s pure as always. Outdoor clouds and fog extend into the indoor space. The gray roof wraps the space with an immersive experience, interpreting the natural poetry and artistic conception, like floating clouds and waterfalls, a quest for streams in the woods.

The ecological resin texture of the ceiling in the meeting area looks like indistinct ripples of moving water in the shadow created by the light strip. The wood-colored walls and clear springs form a landscape painting, drawing the outline of tranquility. The transparent spatial layout is natural and simple.

Across the long river of time, counting the glory left behind, living in row upon row of buildings day after day, we never forget the pursuit and craving for landscape and nature. Future City Immersive Art Gallery, from the waters and in the mountains, makes the tranquil space atmosphere stand out through abstract techniques. Integrating the ancient and innovating today, we can find a different world.


△ 效果图
△ 一层平面图

△ 二层平面图

项目摄影:404NF STUDIO工作室

Project Name: Sales Office of Chongqing Sunac Yuncui Manion
Party A: Sunac Chongqing
Project location: Chongqing, China
Project type: Sales Office
Project area: 1,175㎡
Design time: April 2021
Completion time: Sept. 2021
Hard outfit design: Nine Dimension Design  
Party A’s team: Fan Min, Wang Yonglu, Tang Jun
Photography: 404NF STUDIO



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